My crazy horse

My crazy horse

by Sandy


Well, she always tries to run me and my sister and my brothers always shoots the horse (so does my dad) but I try to be nice to the horse. So what is it that I am doing wrong?

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My crazy horse

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Jun 18, 2013


by: victoria

what the heck are you thinking don’t let them shoot the horse!!!!!!!!!! that is going to make him/her sooooooo scared of anyone. I would advise you to totally start over with the horse but be careful and what I mean when I say start over is start getting her to retrust you.

Dec 04, 2012

RE: My crazy horse

by: Jessica

Hi Sandy,

Could you give me some more information? Like, for example:
– How do you usually approach your horse?
– What do you mean by ‘my brothers always shoots the horse (so does my dad’?

I highly recommend that you read this short article on wikiHow ( if you want to learn how to approach your horse without spooking her.

Hope that this helps,

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