Horse Book Reviews

Horse book reviews: Jessica Young’s own novels

Hello, dear reader. If you have visited this page before and were expecting to be able to read the horse book reviews of my own horse eBooks or to purchase one of them, then I apologise for the obvious alterations.

Due to the fact that I was only thirteen-years-old when I wrote my first horsey novel, Zambia, there were many, many grammatical errors which slipped the scrutiny of my untrained eye. Now, as a far more mature and experienced seventeen-year-old writer, I have noticed these mistakes and frankly, I was quite mortified that I ever allowed those books to be published in that terrible condition.

Consequently, I decided that it would be best to start editing my old books, Zambia, Wildfire, Recaptured, Wild at Heart and Princess Renegade. In this process, I realized that my horse stories were lacking in the depth and literary excellence that I know that I am capable of producing. This therefore led to my decision to ‘rewrite’ the first five books in The Black Stallion series; much of the same storyline will be kept and none of the characters will be turfed, but I want to add more content, description and depth to my horse books – as well as remedying those dreadful grammatical faults.

Other changes will be made in addition to the editing. Once all five of my first books are revamped, I plan on combing them into one thick, five-part, 500+ page novel (Home) that will become the first instalment in the three-part series, Ace’s Trilogy. In future years, I intend to write another two books, each with five parts, under the titles of Change and Lifetime that will continue and conclude the exciting adventures of Ace’s life in the Namib Desert.

You can also expect to see many other books published under my name in the very near future. They will fit into a variety of genres, namely historical fiction, Christian romances and dramas, 1800s-inspired Gothic novels and even a few written on two of my favourite topics: rugby and motorcycle racing. Of course, many of these will have equine main characters, so do not fret if you fear that I have entirely lost my interest in the intriguing subject of horses.

In conclusion, I would like to sincerely thank everyone who has supported me in this little escapade of mine that has spanned no less than four years. The kind words of affirmation and encouragement genuinely touched me, and I will always hold them dear; it is an author’s greatest desire to know that even if their books do not sell in great numbers, they are still cherished by those who do read them.

So, until my books are formally published, please do hang in there. I have not and will never lose my passion for writing, and therefore you can be certain that I will triumph and my novels will be printed.


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You might not be able to buy any of my books – yet – but if you go to my horse books page, I am sure that my helpful horse book reviews will enable you to find some lovely horse story books to enjoy.

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